PsiLAB Help Manual
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra module.
This module provides several generic functions to solve linear equations, solving linear least square problems, and some special matrix operations. Matrix Inversion
LinAlg.inva a:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
LinAlg.invab a:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t b:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
The inva function inverts the matrix a inplace using LAPACK's DGETRF and DEGTRI routines, and the inab function inverts matrix a and stores the result in the already allocated matrix b .
Matrix transpoition
LinAlg.transpose a:('a, 'b, 'c) Matrix.t
The transpose function transpose matrix a inplace. Supported formats: [ float, complex ] .
Solving linear equation systems
a:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
b:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
x:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
This functions solves the linear equation
A * x = b
using LAPACK's DGESV routine with
A : Matrix of size (n,m)
b : Right hand side vector, size (n)
x : Solution vector, size (m)
Determinat of a matrix
[ d:float ] = LinAlg.detnn a:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
This function calculates the determinant of a square matrix a using LAPACK's DGETRF routine and returns the float value d .
Linear Least Square Problems
[ sig:float ] = LinAlg.lls
a:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
b:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
x:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t
The lls function solves the minimization problem
minimize x || b - A * x || 2
using LAPACK's DGELS routine. It returns the standard deviation sigma. More special regression function based on this LLS can be found in the Reg module.
[] let a = fmatrix ~const:[
(-1.0,3.0,4.0)] () ;;
[] print_fmat a ;;
| -1 1 2 |
| 3 -1 1 |
| -1 3 4 |
- : unit = ()
[] let b = fmatrix ~const:[2.0;6.0;4.0] () ;;
[] let x = fmatrix ~dim:[3] () ;;
[] LinAlg.solve a b x ;;
- : unit = ()
[] print_fmat x ;;
| 1 |
| -1 |
| 2 |
- : unit = ()
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