PsiLAB Help Manual Page

Section: Basic Matrix functions

Name: fmatrix_get_byname

Get a matrix by name
This function concatenates an already allocated matrix (with the fmatrix_byname function) with a Psilab (Caml) variable, identified by a unique name string.

[ mat:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t ] = fmatrix_get_byname
?fill:float list
?rand:float list
?copy:(float, 'a, 'b) Matrix.t list
?const:'a list

The fill argument can be used to fill the matrix with a constant value. The rand argument initializes all matrix elements with a random number, those maximal value is determined by this argument. The copy argument can be used to copy the content of another matrix to this matrix. And finally, the const argument can be used to initialite this matrix with either a constant vector or a constant 2 dimensional matrix.
See also fmatrix_byname.
(* allocate a new matrix named "mymatrix" *) 
[] fmatrix_byname ~dim:[100;100] ~create:["mymatrix"] ();; 
[] let iv () = 
	 (* fmat gets the matrix *) 
	 let fmat = fmatrix_get_byname "mymatrix" () in 
(* if the matrix is no longer used: *) 
[] fmatrix_byname ~destroy:["mymatrix"] () ;; 

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