PsiLAB Help Manual
Fast Fourier Transform
Calculate the Fast Fouriertransfom from a matrix a.
The input matrix can be either a real or a complex matrix. The result matrix is always from type complex, and of the same size as of the input matrix.
fft ?fin:('a, 'b, 'c) Matrix.t list
?fout:(Complex.t, 'b, 'c) Matrix.t list
-> (Complex.t, 'b, 'c) Matrix.t
There are 2 ways to use the output matrix:
- The output matrix will be automatically allocated by the fft function and returned,
- the ouput matrix is already allocated.
The fout argument is used for an already allocated matrix:
~fout:[ complex matrix ]
Wihtout this argument, the fft function allocate a appropiate complex matrix.
The direction of the FFT is set by the dir argument:
~dir: Forward (default) | Backward
Furthermore it's possible to reorder the FFT output matrix with the reorder argument :
~reorder: false (default) true
[] let f = fmatrix ~dim:[500;300] ~rand:[1.0] () ;;
[] let fc = fft ~fin:[f] () ;;
[] f =<< (sin,f) ;;
[] fft ~fin:[f] ~fout:[fc] ~dir:Backward ~reorder:true () ;;
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