PsiLAB Help Manual
Special Functions
Bessel functions.
This module provides several Bessel functions of arbitrary order:
- y : Assigned Bessel function of second kind Y ( n) (z) with nas order of Y function
- h : Assigned Bessel function of third kind (Hankel) H ( n) (k) (z) with k as kind of Hankel (1 or 2)
- i : Modified J Bessel function I ( n) (z)
- j : Generic Bessel Function of first kind J ( n) (z)
- k : Modified H Bessel function K ( n) (z)
All functions expect complex arguments z and return a complex number:
[ y:float ] = Bessel.y (z:Complex.t) (nu:float)
[ h:float ] = Bessel.h (z:Complex.t) (nu:float) (k:int)
[ i:float ] = Bessel.i (z:Complex.t) (nu:float)
[ j:float ] = Bessel.j (z:Complex.t) (nu:float)
[ k:float ] = Bessel.k (z:Complex.t) (nu:float)
Derived from the AMOS library.
[] let y0 = fun x ->
let (re,im) = Bessel.y (x,0.0) 0.0 in
re ;;
val y0 : float -> float = <fun>
[] let y1 = fun x ->
let (re,im) = Bessel.y (x,0.0) 1.0 in
re ;;
val y2 : float -> float = <fun>
[] let y1 = fun x ->
let (re,im) = Bessel.y (x,0.0) 2.0 in
re ;;
val y2 : float -> float = <fun>
[] plot2d ~xrange:[0.3;10.1] ~func:[y0;y1;y2] () ;;
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